Content Policy for Concrete

This Content Policy governs the type of content that is permissible on the Concrete social networking platform. Our aim is to maintain a safe, respectful, and law-abiding community. The following types of content are prohibited and may be removed without notice.

1. Objectionable Content

Content that is offensive, inappropriate, or not suitable for all audiences is strictly prohibited on Concrete. This includes, but is not limited to, the categories outlined below.

1.1 Sexual Content

Content that is sexually explicit or pornographic in nature is not allowed. This includes images, videos, and text that depict or suggest sexual acts. Content that exploits or endangers minors is strictly forbidden and will be reported to law enforcement.

1.2 Harassment & Bullying

We have zero tolerance for harassment or bullying. Content aimed at harassing, threatening, or bullying individuals or groups is not permitted. This includes personal attacks, defamation, and intimidation.

1.3 Violent or Disturbing Content

Content that promotes, glorifies, or trivializes violence or suffering is unacceptable. This includes graphic depictions of physical harm, gore, or disturbing material intended to shock or disgust users.

1.4 False, Deceptive or Misleading Information

Content that is knowingly false, deceptive, or intended to mislead others is prohibited. This includes spreading false rumors, hoaxes, conspiracy theories, and misinformation.

1.5 Hateful Content, Terrorism, and Extremism

Content that promotes hate, terrorism, or extremist ideologies is not tolerated. This includes materials that incite violence, discrimination, or hostility against individuals or groups based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or nationality.

1.6 Illegal Activities

Any content that promotes, facilitates, or instructs others to engage in illegal activities is strictly prohibited. This includes the promotion of illegal drugs, trafficking, or other criminal activities.

Enforcement and Reporting

We reserve the right to remove any content that violates this policy and take appropriate action, including reporting to authorities and banning users from the platform. If you encounter content that violates our policy, please report it to us immediately for review.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Content Policy is governed by the laws of the United States of America and any disputes arising in relation to it are subject to the jurisdiction of the courts in the state of California.